Snezhanna Vassiljeva profile image

Snezhanna Vassiljeva Social Statistics and Biography

699 25,900
Updated at: Category: erotic content creator

Snezhanna Vassiljeva, also known as Snezana, is a well-known Instagram influencer, model, and content creator. She goes by the handle @snow.waifu on Instagram, where she has amassed a significant following. Originally from Russia, Snezhanna has gained popularity for her stunning cosplay, modeling photos, and lifestyle content.

  • Channel: auemporn
  • Subscribers: 25,900
  • Total views: 9,017,033
  • Total videos: 67
  • Country: US
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Snezhanna Vassiljeva Last Video

Onlyfans Snezhanna Vassiljeva image
  • Link: Snezhanna Vassiljeva onlyfans
  • Likes: 7,904
  • Location: stacked in washer
  • Total photos: 31
  • Total videos: 4
  • Total streams: 1
  • Subscription price: $30.00
  • Tips: $5 - $200
  • Onlyfans creator since: 2024/02/16
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Snezhanna Vassiljeva Onlyfans Earnings - Estimate

Monthly income: $948 (not including tips)
Income formula: (0.5% likes * subscription price) - 20% Onlyfans fee