Urabe, known online as Mysteriousgirlfriend, is a shy and quiet girl who has captured the attention of many through her anime-inspired content. In real life, she describes herself as pretty antisocial, but she opens up when you get to know her.
She loves cosplaying her favorite anime characters and spends a lot of time reading manga. Dressing up as her beloved characters allows her to express herself in ways she finds difficult in her everyday life.
Urabe is also a huge fan of video games 🎮. When she’s not creating content, you’ll likely find her gaming or diving into the latest manga series. Though she's shy, her online persona is bold, creative, and full of surprises.
Fansly is where Urabe shares her more exclusive content. Her fans love her authenticity and dedication to her work. She embraces her mysterious side while still giving her followers a glimpse into her passions.
- Link: Mysteriousgirlfriendxo
- Link: Mysteriousgirlfriend fansly
- Followers: 50,304
- Likes: 75,511
- Total photos: 107
- Total videos: 39
- Subscription prices: $8.00
Hey, I am Urabe and let’s be friends I am shy, quite antisocial girl in real life, but when you get to know me I open up :) I love dressing up as my favorite anime characters, reading manga and I love playing video games. If you want to play with me then DM me so we can decide on the game
Mysteriousgirlfriend Fansly Earnings - Estimate
Monthly income:
Income formula: (1% followers * subscription price) - 15% Fansly fee