Maddy Mahoney, full name Maddison Mahoney, is a Canadian model whose vibrant presence on social media has gained her a loyal following. Born and raised in Canada, Maddy’s graceful, blonde look, 5'9" frame, and captivating green eyes have quickly made her a standout. Known for her natural beauty and athletic build, her measurements of 32-24-35 and B/C cup size give her a classic model look that resonates with fashion fans worldwide. 🌟📸
Her Instagram handle, _maddymahoney, is filled with professionally styled shots, glamorous poses, and a bit of her laid-back personality. Each post often highlights her love for fashion, beauty, and travel, blending a natural vibe with chic aesthetics. Fans get a mix of high-fashion looks and casual glimpses into her daily life, showing her versatility and style. 💄✈️
On TikTok as @maddisonmahoney, Maddy shares short-form videos that showcase her playful, down-to-earth side. She enjoys trending challenges, beauty routines, and behind-the-scenes clips from her modeling gigs. TikTok has given her a platform to connect more intimately with fans, as she shares quick moments from her life with a fun, lighthearted approach. 🎶📹
Beyond the camera, Maddy’s interests reportedly include fitness and wellness, which she subtly incorporates into her social posts. Her slender and fit physique suggests a dedicated lifestyle, though she keeps details about her personal routines and habits mostly private, adding an air of mystery that fans enjoy. 🏋️♀️✨
- Link: Maddison Mahoney
- Followers: 6,972
- Follows: 279
- Likes: 262,800
- Total videos: 233
- Friends: 119
IG: _maddymahoney
- Link: _maddymahoney