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Jason Langiven Social Statistics and Biography

239 4,629,876
Updated at: Category: technology

Jason Langiven, known online as JayzTwoCents, is a popular tech YouTuber and influencer. He is renowned for his engaging and insightful content on PC hardware, gaming, and technology reviews. His channel has garnered a large following due to his unique style and in-depth knowledge.

Langiven's content often features controversial takes on tech products and industry trends, which sparks lively debates among his audience. Despite some criticism over his candid opinions, he remains a respected figure in the tech community.

  • Channel: JayzTwoCents
  • Subscribers: 4,100,000
  • Total views: 1,130,281,594
  • Total videos: 2,317
  • Country: US
  • Here at JayzTwoCents we strive to create informed and intelligent buyers when it comes to PC building. Whether it be computers, components, or how-to content, you will leave with more confidence in your ability to troubleshoot, fix and build your next PC!

Jason Langiven Last Video

  • Link: JayzTwoCents
  • Followers: 529,876
  • Just a crappy YouTuber making Awesome videos! http://www.youtube.com/jayztwocents