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Ibai Llanos Social Statistics and Biography

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Updated at: Category: streamer

Ibai Llanos, a renowned Spanish streamer and content creator, was born on March 26, 1995. He first gained attention as a caster for the League of Legends European Championship (LEC), where his engaging commentary style quickly made him a fan favorite.

In 2021, Ibai left his casting career to focus on streaming full-time on Twitch, where he rapidly became one of the platform's top streamers. Known for his versatile content, Ibai hosts interviews with celebrities, streams gaming sessions, and organizes large-scale events, including an online boxing match that drew significant attention.

He has faced criticism for his outspoken nature and sometimes contentious opinions. Despite this, he remains a prominent figure in the streaming world, celebrated for his charismatic personality and innovative approach to content creation.

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  • Total videos: 2,283
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  • Link: ibai
  • Followers: 17,120,818
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