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DizzyKitten Social Statistics and Biography

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Updated on: Category: streamer

DizzyKitten, whose real name is Brandi, was born on October 23, 1992, in Arkansas, USA. She was introduced to video games at the age of 11 by her older brother. Her early exposure to gaming began with "World of Warcraft"​.

Brandi started her Twitch channel in September 2013 while she was still in nursing school. She gained popularity by streaming games like "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" and "Super Hexagon." She is particularly known for the dancing dolphins that appear on her stream, earning her the nickname "Dancing Dolphin"​ (Net Worth Post). Over time, she transitioned to a variety of streams, including ASMR, which has become a significant part of her content​.

DizzyKitten keeps her personal life private but has shared that she loves animals, travel, and cosplay. She has a diverse heritage, including Scottish, Native American, and Irish ancestry.

  • Channel: DizzyKitten ASMR
  • Subscribers: 69,700
  • Total views: 12,443,922
  • Total videos: 486
  • Country: US
  • Welcome to my ASMR channel! Here you will find mostly archived footage of my various ASMR streams that I do on Twitch!

DizzyKitten Latest Video

  • Link: DizzyKitten
  • Followers: 2,551
  • Follows: 1
  • Likes: 3,676
  • Total videos: 39
  • I stream games and ASMR! twitch.tv/dizzykitten