Dare Taylor profile image

Dare Taylor Social Statistics and Biography

454 646,538
Updated at: Category: erotic content creator, movies

Dare Taylor is from the USA and is known for her work on social media, as an adult entertainer, and as a model on OnlyFans. She began her career in the adult industry but is also trying to start acting. Born and raised in Minnesota, she began acting and modeling at age ten in 2004. She has done figure skating, acted in plays, and even auditioned for Disney. She has performed at Walt Disney World, Medieval Times, and Universal Studios.

  • Channel: Dare Wears
  • Subscribers: 352,000
  • Total views: 58,300,129
  • Total videos: 1,269
  • Country: US
  • Ever wonder if a brand is fake? Worth your money? Or even...a SCAM?! Hi my name is Dare Taylor and on this channel I show you what Dare actually wears! My clothing review channel focuses on fashion, cosplay and make up! Let me know in the comments if there is a brand or aspect of cosplay you want me to make a video on! 😉 🐻 Want to see me inbetween uploads? 🐻 Support me on my podcast ► https://www.patreon.com/DeluluCanoePodcast Follow me on Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/daretaylorofficial Connect with me on Tiktok ► https://www.tiktok.com/@taylorsdiary2?lang=en Come hang with me on Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/darebearlive Add me on Snapchat ► @Darewares See all the links: https://www.daretaylor.com 🐻 💕 ☀️😉

Dare Taylor Last Video

  • Link: Dare Taylor
  • Followers: 278,100
  • Follows: 18
  • Likes: 5,000,000
  • Total videos: 202
  • Friends: 6
  • Nerd next door 🐻 ✨ 💕
  • Link: Darebearlive
  • Followers: 16,438
  • Huge Nintendo nerd, and always looking for new survival games to play!
Onlyfans Dare Taylor image
  • Link: Dare Taylor onlyfans
  • Likes: 3,032,246
  • Location: Los Angeles CA
  • Total photos: 2,707
  • Total videos: 170
  • Total streams: 110
  • Referal bonus: $0.00
  • Subscription price: $0.00
  • Tips: $5 - $200
  • Onlyfans creator since: 2019/11/20
  • **Nude art model, singer, actress.. ready to read my diary?** 📒 ***It's literally free. Hit subscribe.***

    Also, Read The OnlyFans Terms of Service.

Dare Taylor Onlyfans Earnings - Estimate

Monthly income: $0 (not including tips)
Income formula: (0.5% likes * subscription price) - 20% Onlyfans fee