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Brittany Lupton Social Statistics and Biography

455 590,300
Updated at: Category: sport

Brittany Lupton is a popular fitness influencer and social media personality born on April 4, 1995, in the United States. She has built a significant following across various platforms, including YouTube and Instagram, where she shares workout routines, fitness tips, and healthy lifestyle content. Brittany's passion for fitness began as a personal journey, which she later transformed into a full-time career.

She is known for her partnership with Gymshark and her work on the Fit Body App. Brittany frequently shares content about strength training, especially focusing on glutes and back workouts. Despite her busy schedule, she balances her life as a mother and fitness coach, often featuring her family in her content.

  • Channel: Brittany Lupton
  • Subscribers: 199,000
  • Total views: 15,719,430
  • Total videos: 301
  • Country: US
  • your go-to gym girl. reminding you that you aren’t alone in your fitness journey & that each day is a fresh start. let's lift, find balance and fall in love with the process. i'm so glad you're here 🩷

Brittany Lupton Last Video

  • Link: Brittany Lupton
  • Followers: 391,300
  • Follows: 95
  • Likes: 10,600,000
  • Total videos: 1,437
  • Friends: 44
  • gymshark 'BRITT’ | youcanbeam ↓ workout programs ↓