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Alica Schmidt Social Statistics and Biography

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Alica Ѕchmidt, born on November 8, 1998, in Worms, Germany, is a renowned German track and field athlete. She gained fame as a middle-distance runner, excelling in the 400m and 800m events. Her natural talent and dedication led her to become a promising figure in athletics.

Alica's rise to prominence wasn't just due to her athletic prowess. She was dubbed "the world's sexiest athlete" by media outlets, adding a mix of controversy and fame to her career. This title sparked debates about the intersection of sports and media sensationalism.

  • Channel: Alica Schmidt
  • Subscribers: 302,000
  • Total views: 109,704,136
  • Total videos: 68
  • Country: DE
  • Alica Schmidt, Track&Field Athlete, Instagram: @alicasmd

Alica Schmidt Latest Video

  • Link: alicasmd
  • Followers: 2,200,000
  • Follows: 100
  • Likes: 48,200,000
  • Total videos: 556
  • Friends: 60
  • Hi I‘m Alica ✨ Track athlete 💘