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Adelina Daraban Rusu Social Statistics and Biography

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Updated on: Category: sport

Adelina Daraban Rusu is a prominent track and field athlete from Spain, renowned for her achievements in middle-distance running, particularly the 800 meters. She is affiliated with FC Barcelona. Adelina's social media presence showcases her athletic journey, fitness routines, and personal training insights.

Adelina's career has been marked by her participation in international competitions and her role as a professional athlete. Besides her athletic endeavors, she is the CEO of AGFit, a fitness program that focuses on personal training, especially for women. The program is based in Doha, Qatar, and emphasizes holistic fitness, including muscle building, weight loss, and prenatal fitness.

  • Channel: Adelina Daraban Rusu
  • Subscribers: 98,000
  • Total views: 32,148,691
  • Total videos: 26
  • Country: QA
  • Hola, He creado este perfil para poder compartir mis rutinas favoritas, vídeos de mi día a día para que me conozcáis un poco más y así poder tener un contacto más directo con vosotros. BIENVENIDOS A MI CANAL DE YOUTUBE. ‼️Este es mi canal oficial‼️.

Adelina Daraban Rusu Latest Video

  • Link: adelina.daraban
  • Followers: 203,100
  • Follows: 9
  • Likes: 1,100,000
  • Total videos: 29
  • Friends: 4
  • ADELINA DARABAN RUSU Instagram:adelina.daraban